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RE: NAME YOUR CAR DAY: "Lolo", The Mighty Family Car

in Hive PH4 years ago

I've never named any cars, but it's amazing to see the stories that came from people's affection towards them over their lives, through thick and thin. As with anything Japanese from this era, I bet Lolo is still running well and fine till this day, hopefully enjoying time with its new human companions. Fingers crossed you'll get Mitsi fixed, too! :-D


I hope you're right. I wish to see it on the road one day. If I get rich someday, I'll buy it back or buy the same model instead. Now I remember, I think my brother was able to keep the metal name of Lolo. The one that is attached on the side or back. 😂

Thanks! Hopefully Mitsi will be fixed too. :D

Now I remember, I think my brother was able to keep the metal name of Lolo. The one that is attached on the side or back.

Haha, that's a nice little reminder to have! I hope you'll reunited with Lolo one day, too! Maybe Lolo and Mitsi can catch up on things, or most likely gossip about their humans 😅