The Luthier ft. The Artist | Collaboration with Andrés Rodríguez

in Artlast year

Hello, Dear Hivers! | Hola, Queridos Hivers!

It's been a while since the last time I posted here! Well, this may sound like cliche, but I've been into a million things. One of the million things is the following:

Collaborating with the Luthier, Andrés Rodríguez.


Some time ago, I took my guitar to Andres' workshop because I wanted to paint it, but for that, I needed to peel it of, so I asked him if could do that job, and he did! Since then, he told me that he might need an artistic touch for one of his cuatros, and last month he called me to start working on that.

First, he asked me to make a sketch to send it to the client. I had never worked with such strict clients before, so it surprised me when he told me all the corrections. I had to repeat the sketch 3 times, Lol.


Finally, she accepted the third sketch, and so Andrés came to my house with the cuatro to take pictures of the sketch in different places of the instrument so the client decided where she wanted it.


At last, we arranged to meet at the workshop to work on the painting at nights, cause I was busy all day.

I was very nervous, because I had never painted realistic flowers before, and much less in such a delicate surface! So I did the best I could!


I spent like one week and a half working on it. It was hard, and I couldn't stop thinking about how strict the client was. I hope she likes my work! 🙈



Aaaaaaand voilà! I really liked the results. Aaaand, I got paid for it! It makes happy to work and receive a recompense for it. It makes me feel like a whole grown up hahaha.


Thanks for stopping by!!

Stay true to yourself always with a smile on your face



Amé el resultado, no hay nada como un instrumento personalizado de esa manera, espero que a la cliente le guste. Un abrazo para ti.

Que bueno que te gustó! 🎉
Y tienes razón, le da un toque único al instrumento 🥰
Un abrazo para ti también ✨

Oye por acá hay 5 guitarras esperando unas buenas decoraciones xd

The flowers look amazing! So much detail and shading. Great job!

Since you got paid for your painting, you're now a professional artist, congrats! :)

Heyy!! Thank you very much 🥰 I put a lot of effort on them.

Yeah!! I thought about that too! It's super cool 😎🎉

Saludos manujune estás publicando bastante distanciada, iba a votartar pero el post ya pasó los siete días. Te invito a que publiques un post semanal, si lo haces te voy a regalar algo. Hablando en serio, tengo una propuesta relacionada con nuestra colmena. Me gustaría poder comunicarme de forma más expedita y directa. De repente, por una red social tradicional. Ojalá podamos conversar, un abrazo virtual.

Saludos, yo creo en el poder de la intención. Ojalá hubiera un aparato que la midiera objetivamente. Para poder demostrar que hay buenas intenciones. No recibí respuesta a mi último escrito. Sería bueno que te dieras la oportunidad de escuchar la propuesta de crecimiento en Hive que quiero plantearte. Este es mi Telegram (lenfree22) Lenin García.