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RE: Quality control

in Memehub3 years ago

My standard is 700 words for a post so I rarely upvote any posts under 500 words. They don't pass my quality control. Today I saw a post on LEO of about 150 words which received 70 LEO payout. What a joke. Imagine getting 1LEO for every two words you write. The system is more about who you know here, not what you know. There is no real quality discovery on Hive or LEO. I see the anomalies daily in the trending lists.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A good and well written post with 250 words can be bettee than a shit and poorly written post with 700 words.

How is words a good measurement?? Oo

I don't think the poor guy expected such replies :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You mean logically replies? :p

Haha lol no worries mate, I have high standards based on my education. Not everyone has the opportunity for the same education.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm just repeating what my Hive teachers told me when I arrived in 2018. Quantity and quality are both required in my opinion. To answer your question, it shows effort.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thats true. It shows effort :D

hive/leo wouldn't even pay the utilities bill if I were to use them as money so in the meantime work and life in general take priority, that's why I write very short posts. Would love to have the time to write longer stuff but I couldn't justify the time spent doing that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good point there, I'm in South Africa and life is very inexpensive, so I have all the time in the world to sit at home and write on a daily basis. My pre-lockdown income has evaporated. But I understand we are in totally different conditions so require different income to be fulfilled.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Has any of the posts you have voted that follow your 700* words standards gone viral outside of hive? No. Cause not a single post on hive has ever gone viral. Contemplate on that a bit.

*99 % of big "quality" posts on hive are just filler bla bla to give the impression of quality. In reality, its just shit nobody cares to read. Also, they suck from a seo perspective. So they never go viral and rarely pop up on google searches.

that was savage :)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

nop, just facts

You're a sensitive soul it seems lol. Don't let the raw truthers get to you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like to get along with everybody here, in real life that's not always an option :)

Yes I agree. Lol, you are more cynical than me buddy. Some posts are informative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta