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RE: Quality control

in Memehub3 years ago (edited)

Has any of the posts you have voted that follow your 700* words standards gone viral outside of hive? No. Cause not a single post on hive has ever gone viral. Contemplate on that a bit.

*99 % of big "quality" posts on hive are just filler bla bla to give the impression of quality. In reality, its just shit nobody cares to read. Also, they suck from a seo perspective. So they never go viral and rarely pop up on google searches.


that was savage :)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

nop, just facts

You're a sensitive soul it seems lol. Don't let the raw truthers get to you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like to get along with everybody here, in real life that's not always an option :)

Yes I agree. Lol, you are more cynical than me buddy. Some posts are informative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta