Hola a todos mis queridos lectores de Hive Blog❤️, en especial a mi comunidad de Full deportes.
En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes la última parte de mi entrenamiento fantástico con mi equipo de ciclismo por la vía de Ocumare y Choroni⛰️💯🛣️, y los ajustes necesarios que tuvimos que realizarle a mi bicicleta con un equipo profesional de mecánicos de ciclismo🔧🧰🚲, así como también algunos datos y consejos para rendir en el deporte🚴♀️🔥, espero que lo disfruten y se puedan llevar algo de aquí hoy.
Hello to all my dear Hive Blog❤️ readers, especially my Full Sports community.
On this occasion I want to share with you the last part of my fantastic training with my cycling team on the road of Ocumare and Choroni⛰️💯🛣️, and the necessary adjustments we had to make to my bike with a professional team of cycling🔧🧰🚲 mechanics, as well as some data and tips to perform in the sport🚴♀️🔥, I hope you enjoy it and can take something from here today.
Also here I leave the first part of this adventure so that you do not miss anything
A few days have passed after this event but I had several teachings of that day⛅ that really seem important to me to share and is that after climbing to the summit of the mountain🚵♀️ of the Ocumare road, we went to the Xtremebike📍 workshop, where we were received with good attention and disposition;
Pues nos dirigiamos a la segunda parte de nuestro entrenamiento de fuerza y resistencia, pero mi bici presentó un problema con el porta termera y pocos lugares sabían solucionarlo, por suerte aquí supieron solucionarlo🔧.
Well, we went to the second part of our strength and resistance training, but my bike presented a problem with the termera holder and few places knew how to solve it, luckily here they knew how to solve it🔧.
And it was necessary to solve that detail since the secret of the good cyclist is to stay hydrated👁️;
Mientras esperaba mi bici me ofrecieron algunos caramelos, agua fría y un asiento para ver a los grandes atletas en acción🔥.
While waiting for my bike I was offered some candy, cold water and a seat to watch the great athletes in action🔥.
And it was really quite nice, the best thing is that they fixed the holes of the screws of the thermoses that were isolated in the frame and gave me some thermoses for my bike🚴♀️🚰🔫🥤 ;
Y mientras arreglaban esos detalles revisaron los frenos de mi bicicleta y se dieron cuenta que los tacos de freno estaban flojos... Imagínense y eso que yo siempre tengo mi bici al pendiente para disminuir el riesgo de accidentes😥⚠️.
And while they were fixing those details they checked the brakes on my bike and realized that the brake studs were loose... Imagine that I always have my bike on the slope to reduce the risk of accidents😥⚠️.
But hey, thanks to that necessary stop nothing bad happened to me on the descent⏬ of the second mountain;
Antes de irnos también le comenté a Ramón que la altura de mi sillín era algo incómoda para mí pues no sabía cual era la adecuada, y él con un aparato especial midió el alto que necesitaba para rendir y evitar futuras lesiones🤕.
Before we left, I also told Ramón that the height of my saddle was somewhat uncomfortable for me because I did not know which one was right, and he with a special device measured the height I needed to perform and avoid future injuries🤕.
It really was one of the best cycling services I've ever received, so it's best to always leave our equipment in the hands of people who really know💯;
Pasada una hora luego de nuestra visita al taller, partimos a nuestra segunda fase del entrenamiento🔍 que era la vida de Choroni.
An hour after our visit to the workshop, we set off for our second phase of training🔍, which was Choroni's life.
Where before starting to climb the imposing mountain we take a coconut water to recover electrolytes🚰, which are some of the minerals that are lost during the exercises🚴♀️🏋️♀️ ;
Y aunque teníamos planificado subir las dos cumbres ese día (Ocumare y Choroni)⛰️, solo llegamos a Curucuruma Dos, pues al pasar tanto tiempo en reposo nuestros músculos se enfriaron y el rendimiento se vio afectado🦵.
And although we had planned to climb the two summits that day (Ocumare and Choroni), ⛰️ we only reached Curucuruma Dos, because spending so much time at rest our muscles cooled down and performance was affected🦵.
Producing early fatigue... 🥵😴 And although I knew I could go on, I didn't want to overtrain (because I had several hours without eating at that time);
Sin embargo me sentí satisfecha con aquel entrenamiento del día pues logré buenos tiempos en subida y solucione algunos problemas técnicos de mi bicicleta🧰🔧🚴♀️.
However I felt satisfied with that training of the day because I achieved good times in climbing and solved some technical problems of my bike🧰🔧🚴♀️.
Finally I leave you the record of my physical activity in the Strava📲 application, which for signal issues I stop registering some sections of the road✅;
Está aplicación realmente es interesante pues te da un informe de rendimiento📈 y mejora en comparación de las rutas registradas con anterioridad y te permite seguir a tus amigos🤝, ver sus entrenamientos y etiquetar a quién te acompaño en la ruta🚲.
This application is really interesting because it gives you a performance📈 report and improvement compared to the previously registered routes and allows you to follow your friends🤝, see their workouts and tag who I accompany you on the route🚲.
At least strava can find me as Carla Alvarez and although I don't get paid for advertising🤣, I recognize the app as a good motivating source to see performance improvements in the sport.
I hope you liked this post and have been able to take something from here today, always remember to do what brings you closer to your goals and remember that the only impossible thing is what is not tried.
Thank you very much for reading and for getting here, with this I say goodbye once again here for you @Carlitazulay.
These photos were taken and edited with my Redmi Note pro 9 phone📸
Muchas gracias por el apoyo🥰
It's great that you had your bike in good hands and they fix the necessary faults.. now, you can ride without hitches.
This is the second time I am reading about the Strava app today and the amazing features it has that helps athletes keep track of their activities.
Well done @carlitazulay . Happy Easter to you. ❤️❤️
Hello my dear @Iskafan, thank you very much for your comment, yes really everything went well at the end of the day.
I'm glad to read you, I hope you're doing great.
I am glad everything went well. Yes, I am well. Thanks for caring ❤️❤️
¡Agradable y muy colorida publicación!
Presentas un relato con un lenguaje sencillo pero elocuente, el cual ameniza el contenido. Acompañado con excelentes imágenes bien nítidas, retocadas con esos dibujitos que le dan auge a la mirada. Me gustó también la aplicación, con su ruta definida y analizada.
Felicitaciones @carlitazulay y que la paz y las bendiciones de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo te acompañen siempre. ¡Amén!
Que hermoso comentario amigo Henry, gracias por fijarte en los detalles, te mando un saludo y las mejores cosas para ti esta semana.
Thanks so much 🥰
saludos por tu enfoque, constancia y disciplina, eres una chica ejemplo para muchos jóvenes. Bendiciones.
Menos mal hiciste esa detención en el lugar correcto, para que revisaran la bicicleta y pudieran reparar los tacos de frenos que estaban flojos.
Interesante las rutas que haces. Yo amo la naturaleza en toda su expresión y tú tienes contacto directo con ella ❤️.
Así es amiga @jomarbym, poder hacer deporte y al mismo tiempo conectarte con el exterior es algo maravilloso.
Muchas gracias por pasarte por aquí, un abrazo.
Tan pequeña y con tanta voluntad!! Es admirable! Felicitaciones! Por cierto, el espacio en donde anduviste en bici es precioso!!