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RE: My health, my happiness!

in Unity Toward Freedom β€’ last year

Hello @amiegeoffrey ! Thanks for participating in the challenge 😊

You're the first person I've read about who talks about sleep, isn't that amazing? And yet, it's so important! I used to be a person who slept but really little and since a few years, it has completely changed and I must say I love it !

You are the only one who has and shows these medical instruments and it's funny that you show this because I was thinking of buying some lately. You seem to be well equipped, just what you need to know the key figures and not to go into the delirium of monitoring everything all the time.

Thank you for sharing the plants you use, I didn't know some of them like African basil and Vernonia amygdalina... Will do some research :)

I really liked the rest of your article, we can feel that you are not joking with health, whether it is about hygiene, food, exercise or relationships with others and your loved ones :) Thank you for sharing this beautiful and instructive lesson <3

I also especially thank you for using your own pictures, it makes the article all the more personal and interesting !

I wish you a beautiful end of the year and good times with your family and hope you will be able to rest too 🀞 🌟 !

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Thank you so much @anttn for leaving this beautiful comment on my blog today.
And thanks for reading thru, I loved the topic maybe that was why I spoke extensively on it.

Do have a beautiful holiday too.

Β last yearΒ Β 

You're most welcomed ! And once again, it was just perfectly managed on your side, sorry to answer a bit lately :)

Thanks you 😊

It's totally understandable,at least you eventually replied.

Stay safe @anttn