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RE: This Contest Doesn't Exist

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

I don't know if your comment is meant to be funny but I find it quite rude.

Did you READ through the website? What makes you think the cost is for friendship? We run a mastermind group. We help people grow their business. I'm unsure why you would think this constitutes charging for "friendship". We have a group of entrepreneurs who have frustrations and most people in their life don't understand that because they don't run a business. We help our clients make sales, teach them persuasion, and much more.

Are you assuming because it's a facebook group that we sit around all day chitchatting and laughing together? Because it's not what we do. If you read the site carefully and clearly, you would see what it is we do.


Face what? I haven't been called rude in a long time, not sure if you're trying being funny.

I said I surfed. I read a lot about you guys listening and really listening. And really, really listening. What I read sounds a lot like what my fiends and I do.

The fluctuating price tag and worthless part I did kinda laugh though.

maybe you should read further. Listening is not all we do. Do you know how many people out there are business owners with no one who gives a shit about them or what they're doing? Spouses, who hate them for never being around because they're building an empire?

being an entrepreneur isn't always easy. And they need people who get them, who will help them, who will give them amazing advice. That's what we do.

I love each of my clients but we don't sit around drinking or smoking and chatting. we give actionable solutions for their issues. We're closer to a therapist than a friend (and gross I hate that word but it's what most people understand).