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RE: Herb Drying Hack

in DIYHub11 months ago

This is such a cool drying hack you figured out. It’s good to know in case our dehydrator goes out on us. We found ours very cheap back then and are taking good care of it because nowadays things are hard to afford.

The web searching has made our brain intellectually lazy sometimes!

Yes! This is real talk. I intentionally avoid searching things sometimes to give my brain some exercise. If we lose the net we’d be in trouble and it shouldn’t be that way. Sometimes we don’t even give ourselves the chance to think because we have the convenience of not having to.


Yeah I force myself to remember things instead of just doing web searches! It takes a little bit longer but we also are of the age where we remember what it was like back in the day to have to find a book or someone who knew the answer. Not easy! There are benefits to the easy access of information for sure but there is also laziness involved as well!

I keep debating getting a dehydrator, it really would help with a lot of the other things that I want to do.. decisions, decisions! Lol

Yes, definitely laziness involved when we opt for the easy ways.

Hahaha! Well if you can find a good deal I say go for it! 😃😄👌🏽