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RE: Die Handwerker knien sich voll rein/ letze Gewinnspiel Chance/ The craftsmen are on their knees/ last chance to win a prize

in DIYHublast year

Great job my friend, you know I always appreciate the effort you make, as I know the process involved and the risks, as you know my husband does carpentry. Several weeks ago he cut his fingers with the table saw, he had more than 30 stitches in both fingers, you do not know what we went through, here the health system is garbage, and besides he is a family man and so he could not work even if he went to the workshop, that's why it has taken him so long to recover, but he is already in full recovery, thank God.

That space was left for my husband to do the kitchen hahaha, great job, I love it.

Take care of yourself my friend. Infinite blessings to you @danielhuhservice



Hello my good @dayadam,
I am very sorry about what happened to your husband. But I am very happy that he is doing well again. In Germany, I'm lucky to have a very good health care system, but it also costs a lot of money. in Germany, all craftsmen have to be compulsorily insured.

Yes, I understand that when a craftsman is ill, there is no money to be earned, which is a difficult time for a family father. in Germany, I also don't receive any money from the health insurance for 6 weeks.

There is a shortage of craftsmen in Germany, and there are far too few carpenters here.

I wish you and your husband all the best.
does your husband also have an account on hive and present his work?

Translated with (free version)


Thank you for your words. No, he doesn't have an account here, maybe one day when we have a good PC and good internet, maybe I'll learn from the videos and help him. Sometimes I have a hard time with my own I work around here because of all those problems. My daughter does but she has little time, she was on vacation and public for things, and today she starts university and I don't think I published for a while. Sometimes everything is difficult, but I feel like it and there I will continue trying and giving my best. blessings friend @danielhuhservice ✨🤗

As long as you have fun you will be successful. I see my hive account and YouTube more as plus points for collecting karma.

I don't really earn money with Hive. That's also because everything is much more expensive in Germany.

But I also see it that way, the more hive I have, the more lucrative my orders become.

And you get to know nice people. And we all learn from each other web we tell each other our stories...😉

For me, Hive is the way to earn passive income.

James Bond slept through an earthquake
He was shaken, not stirred.

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