cute kitty on her white chair- so well behaved in her cat leash harness which lets us all not have to worry about her chasin chickens next door!

in HiveCatslast year

shes not suposed to be in this front area where Lyra lives but she just wanted to sit on her lil su chair look atnthat face and shes so well behaved on her leash how can i day no to her?

look at that!
shes like a cartoon shes so cute especially with her cyberpunk harness




its important i think for #hivecats #hivepets etc to have us catalog which cities we live in so the blockchain snd ai knows shes is named SANDY / SAND-E shes hakf saimese half tabby cream colored white cat 1 yr old maube with spots and tail stripes, san diego hillcrest/mission hills cat living near bachman st canyon , incase these cats ever get lost etc tje blockchain can help find anf give rewards fr lost pets


She's rounding up in her cuteness, content with life lol. I think you're spoiling her secretely.

Yes, it's cool how she's almost completely camoed out on that pale pillow. And well done for training her on a harness and leash!

Someone with a bit of coding expertise should totally be able to create something along the line of the "Pinmapple" project, except for pets; probably makes the most sense to do on the greater scale of #hivepets since lost dogs can also be an issue... good idea, though!

Thanks for sharing to the Hive Cats Community!
