My cat hate the kitty we recently adopted

in HiveCatslast year


Hello! So, almost two months ago we moved in, and this condo has a lot of free-roaming cats. Then, one day, a cat with kittens was killed by a car and they were orphaned. The doorman offered us one of the kittens, we were afraid to accept it because we already had Sofia, and she is extremely antisocial, but we ended up accepting it because he already liked us.

We thought she would eventually like him, but that hasn't happened yet, every day she paws him when he tries to play with her. Any tips on how to improve their socialization? He's already a little afraid of her at this point.

Sofia, 5 years, hate everything and everyone

Pingo, 3 months, loves to bite


Olá! Então, há quase dois meses nós nos mudamos, e este condomínio tem muitos gatos que vivem soltos. Então, um dia, uma gata com filhotes morreu atropelada e eles ficaram órfãos. O porteiro ofereceu para nós um dos gatinhos, ficamos receosas de aceitar pois já tínhamos a Sofia, e ela é extremamente antissocial, mas acabou que aceitamos pois ele já havia gostado de nós.

Pensávamos que ela ia eventualmente gostar dele, mas isso ainda não aconteceu, todo dia ela dá umas patadas nele quando ele tenta brincar com ela. Alguma dica sobre como melhorar a socialização dos dois? Ele já está com um certo medo dela a esse ponto.

Sofia, 5 anos, odeia tudo e todos

Pingo, 3 meses, adora morder a gente


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We have had some take up to a year to accept each other.

But also sometimes it never happens.

Patience may pay off. Do not give up.

I believe that the best thing to do is not to force contact, but to make them be close to each other during everyday life, such as when eating and putting their beds close to each other. Here at home we even remove the individual feed pots to reduce this problem.

And of course, you need a little luck


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