Caturday Fireplace...

in HiveCatslast year (edited)

Warmest spot in the house. That is where you will find me and my adopted sibs...



My pet human has not been out on the road very much. He says bad people are destroying everything on purpose and there is not much stuff to haul. You humans are crazy. Masks and clot shots and shutting down your own economy. It is like you want to destroy everyone and everything.

I am juss' a cat. But I listen to everything and I am a very smart kitty. Here look @ what I see from my point of view...






My human let me practice posting on his page a long time ago before starting this site of my own.

I might just be a feline. But I got mad skillz and know things. Just go read this post of mine. Your head will go 🤯 BOOM !


The Sunday morning after

Did you just get back from over there reading one of my early posts? How about those "dirty disgusting face diapers?" M.O.L.


My pet human had to help me with the links and stuff.

I hope it made just one human go hmmmm? To question the fake news media funded by big pharma. Then maybe realize that the humans in charge are not good humans at all...

They have been lying to us kitz and peeps for a long long time...

Did you know some of those creepy medical tyrants even want to clot shot us kitties... WTF.!! Mrrreeeeooowww..!!!

My human said it is all about the "benjamin$". They are greedy and power mad. Not sure just what all this means. But I know my human lost his momma Lucy and Lil' Gram Donna to the Vax. He said it was like dumping gasoline on the co-morbidity fires they already had burning. And when they admitted them to the hospital with the Covid that the shot was s'posed to prevent. They gave them another deadly shot called remdesivir. A fauci patented drug with a 54% renal failure rate in it's early testing.

The remdesa took them quickly. We all will never know for sure. But Had they avoided the jab. Stayed home and taken ivermectin, zinc, magnesium and vitamin D like my humans. Would they still be here today.??

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