My HiveCat Takes A Bath by Sunscape

in HiveCats2 years ago


Bedtime Bath

When you wake up in the morning and your cat decides to take a bath in your bed before you can make it. She was pretty proud of herself for jumping in before I got a chance. She knows once my bed is made that she is not allowed on it. I love her to pieces but do not care for her cat hair all over my white comforter.

So, here are a few photos of her while I waited for her to finish bathing.

Setteled In

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The Deep Dive


The Long Lick

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No Cameras Please


I Am Not Leaving


She decided to stay and take a catnap too, well of course she did! That's all for today, have a great weekend everyone.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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