Cucumis melo (maskmelon) Amazing the smoothie juice Recipe Tutorial

in Amazing Drinkslast month

Everyone.I am @mdakash62

Friends,Grettings everyone

Hello all #drinkslovers how are you all this summer.Welcome to midday drinks and food. Lately every summer is going on in different parts of the world. Let's quench our thirst.Above all, it's a great pleasure to present water and food in new style with #amazingdrinks community.Through the community Joys are always in store for our Hive family.Today I will share the new recipe tutorial of Cucumis melo (scientific) in front of you all. Muskmelon (English) name is well known to many.But it is well known as Bangi in our language. The cultivation of this Bangi is endless in different areas of our city which is a summer fruit.This fruit is commonly compared to cucumber and watermelon. We can give first priority to organic fertilizers in planting these bangi trees. Let us make canvas that looks beautiful to people.

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Bungi is a rich summer fruit. It is usually rich in vitamin C and rich in little carotene. Before eating, we should know about the nutrition of bungi. We all know that any fruit in the form of juice has a quick effect on the human body.By eating bungi,(Cucumis melo) a large amount of blood is produced in the body. It is easy to lose weight.Effective for fat loss.It is also effective in healing body wounds quickly.You can eat bungi to maintain body temperature. Also we know there is no sugar in Bangi.Sunburn, summer boil, heat hyper pyrexia cures various diseases.These people usually put people in great danger in extreme heat.


  • Cucumis melo(maskmelon) 200 grum
  • sugar 80 gram
  • Bit solt amount like
  • water 150 gram

Step by step making plan



First I took 200 grams of Cucumis melo from a Cucumis melo with all necessary tools. Then I washed it with clean water and peeled it.


First I took the blender jug. Then I cleaned the blender jug ​​well and put the Cucumis melo into the blender jug.


Then I added a generous pinch of salt.Water is intended to make the water salty.Which gives it endless flavor.

Here I have added 80 grams of sugar. After that I added 150 grams of water. Although I eat less sweets, you can increase sugar by eating sweets.


Here I have demonstrated a selfie with a jug of blender.Then put the lid on the blender jug ​​and put the jug in the blender.



Then I blended it well.Pour the juice into a glass to serve.


This is final making process


Finally we've made the juice just right for our awesome smoothie look.Cucumis melo(maskmelon) juice is a great thirst quencher in this summer.You can follow these students to make this wonderful Jokes recipe.Gift the family with amazing food and drinks.




Selfie with my making idea

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All Prepared by @mdakash62

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How are you sir thank you so much for your information. with your concern may God bless you with my heart.

You're welcome @mdakash62! Have a nice day 😊👍

Thank you sir you are always most Wellcome, I am so happy to see your reply. My pleasure

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I've never seen a melon like that. My favourite melon was always the honeydew. I'm tempted to get one again just to try this.

But it is not a watermelon. But its juice is very similar to watermelon. Bangi is a kind of cucumber-like fruit, which has other names like kharmuz, kankur, futi. Its scientific name is Cucumis melo. But I also like watermelon. We have a lot of yield in Bangladesh. Thank you very much for your kind comments

Yes, I find watermelon is very different in flavour and texture to what we call rock melons. This one looks much more like this type of melon. Honeydew is a little lighter in colour and I prefer it to traditional rock melon.

In Australia and the UK we mainly see these melons:
This we call rockmelon, which looks a similar colour inside to yours

Then in Australia honeydew looks like this:

And in the UK honeydew looks like this:

Both taste the same.

I love how different fruit and veggies can look in different countries. I guess they are grown to what is most suitable for the climate. When I first saw your melon I thought it looked like a pumpkin. 😆