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RE: Cucumis melo (maskmelon) Amazing the smoothie juice Recipe Tutorial

in Amazing Drinks22 days ago

But it is not a watermelon. But its juice is very similar to watermelon. Bangi is a kind of cucumber-like fruit, which has other names like kharmuz, kankur, futi. Its scientific name is Cucumis melo. But I also like watermelon. We have a lot of yield in Bangladesh. Thank you very much for your kind comments


Yes, I find watermelon is very different in flavour and texture to what we call rock melons. This one looks much more like this type of melon. Honeydew is a little lighter in colour and I prefer it to traditional rock melon.

In Australia and the UK we mainly see these melons:
This we call rockmelon, which looks a similar colour inside to yours

Then in Australia honeydew looks like this:

And in the UK honeydew looks like this:

Both taste the same.

I love how different fruit and veggies can look in different countries. I guess they are grown to what is most suitable for the climate. When I first saw your melon I thought it looked like a pumpkin. 😆