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RE: Are you using us to the fullest yet? Do you know all that we offer?

I got curious. I checked my records. I found out that @youarealive has been transferring a microscopic quantity of BRO to my account for the past 8 months. I didn't know that ALIVE is connected to BRO. Realizing this, I bought 5 ALIVE and staked them.

For some reason, last 01 March, I bought 1 BRO for 3.97 HIVE and observed how this token worked. Thinking that nothing seemed to happen, I sold that 1 BRO for 3.43 HIVE just three days after and thought that BRO is not for me.

And then DHEDGE came. I bought 100 and added 50 later. DHEDGE also distributes daily a tiny amount of BRO to my account since 08 August.

Now BRO is 7.79 HIVE. It's almost twice the price when I first bought it. The token is expensive for me now. I think I can only make 10 as my initial target. Aside from this, I am thinking of adding more DHEDGE and more ALIVE in the coming days to increase my BRO earnings.

I think I need to carefully read how BRO works.
