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RE: The Weekly Turni- Issue 39

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

If someone were to judge bengali culture based on the shitty movies and shows we have, wed be compared to cavemans.

This reminds me of the famous Caveman commercial from Geico, the insurance company :)

Lighten up @zayedsakib

সবাই যখন কাঁদে বিদূষক তখন হাসে .... দাদাঠাকুর

Yesterday I heard an amazing story yesterday, I like you to listen to it.. day in the life of a hustler named Joe, who wakes up every morning broke, hustles as much as $10,000 during the day and then loses most of it by the time he goes to bed


I dont have much of an appetite:333

শুধু যদি বিদূষকের কাছে চিরঞ্জীবি অমৃত থাকতো, তবে হয়তো ওসব পরিবারের মুখেও হাসি লেগে থাকতো।

I edited and added the next bit. I always have many positive stories that circulate on my frontal lobe...

Canadian's have a very skewed representation as well. :)