Trying To Get Some Sleep

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Minutes away from the start to the next day, there's no reason to take this pen and write something. I can't sleep. But I can't think of a way in which I could get out of this confused state. Am I wasting my time? or is it just Okay to do nothing?

People may consider browsing as a modern entertaining way to kill the time. But it isn't, It's a way in which I'm searching for the knowledge in the biggest library in the world. And it gets me exhausted in each second. I don't know if I learned something, But the search still goes on.


Maybe I'm searching for a favourable answer, something that hasn't been written anywhere yet.

Mosquitos are flying around me, I have to close the window, But I can't write if I close it, I don't care about this little pain or the blood they are sucking out of me.

There's a cigarette left in the box and some coffee in the flask. I'm lazy enough to write, I think I have to go for a cigarette now.

The next thing I'm gonna writes maybe not for you. I can't even see what I'm writing. I haven't put the light on. All I can see is I'm drawing lines on this paper, I could hear the sound, the pen making with paper. Maybe it's hard to read in the morning, But that doesn't matter.

The purpose of this writing is to get some sleep, so the rest I'm gonna write doesn't have to make any sense to you.


Very Nice art and so phoetic 🥰😊