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RE: Building A Relationship?

in BDCommunity27 days ago

It is a fact that relationships are very important in life because whenever there is a problem in life then we meet with our friends to reduce our problem and this is also a fact. That if we don't maintain friendship in this way, our life will be very sad and also I have seen in my life that some good friends leave when their meaning is fulfilled. Yes, there are many different colors of life, we have to be very thoughtful from all sides if we want to be successful in this life.


Ability to maintain credible relationship would make our lives better for it, I agree with you. It boils down on choices and having a clear vision about what we want to become. He who wants to go fast must travel light.

Life is too short, so the solution to be happy is to always help each other and behave with good manners.

Life is short. We have to build relationships and grow them because we don't have all the time to make all the mistakes. We grow as we live and learn when while encouraging valuable relationships.