Building A Relationship?

in BDCommunity29 days ago


Every decision you make in life is dependent on what truly makes you happy or your goal in life because it is from there you build your value and make tangible decisions in every area of your life.

One of the importance of building a relationship is by building or gaining trust. It gets you comfortable to be able to being yourself. Helping others doesn't make you less or hurt you in any way. Helping someone can have a ripple effect in the long run. Most people don't think about the long run.

Your association determines your destination. You can't walk with giants and remain a dwarf. Those you association with determines how well and fast you go in life. A man will remain the same in 5 years except for two things...the books he reads and the association he keeps. Those you associate with will either make or mar you.

We sometimes get too comfortable that we don't want to stretch our circle of influence. We take extra precautions and try to stay within our familiar territory. Ths association you cultivate will determine your speed or lack of it.

The Bible wants our dominant factor to be all about love. God is love and wants us to continue in it. Loving means you will be there for your neighbours and extend a hand of love. The Bible states that God sets the solitary in families. God is all about association and belonging because no one can make it out here all alone. So, ask yourself, what kind of relationship are you building? How deep does it go? How solid is the foundation? Love should be our dominant factor because out of it there are so many good things that can come out of it.

Everything you do, let it be done in love. Build the right association, the right community and let love be the mainstay of it. We love because God loves us. God has shown us the template of what love should be. Love isn't influenced by the things you can get. Love is from the heart and what comes from the heart touches the heart. Love should be in our character.

God doesn't deal with us based on who we are, God loves us because of who He is. He can't change Himself...He can't deny Himself or His nature. When we make love our first nature, it comes naturally in us to express patience, forgiveness, love and express the meekness of heart.

Loving someone or your neighbour is a choice. It is a commitment. You choose to has to be from within you. You can't give what you don't have. The lack of love is the expression of the true nature of your heart.

We need to work on our relationship as humans, as a community and even as a Church. Love is an action and not an emotions. You don't just say you love, you need to act it. Love takes continuous effort because the more love you express, the more you get better at it. Love is an habit and it's something you do constantly. It has to come from within.

A friend isn't just someone who comes to bail you out of jail but a true friend is someone who comes in there, bail you out, sits with you and says: "We both messed up".

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


We gotta walk with great minds if we want to grow. You can’t move with great minds and still be below average. It isn’t possible

Your association determines your elevation or lack of it. If you walk with the right people, it has a way of changing your mentality which inspires you to greatness. I agree with you. Overtime it rubs off on you.

Your association will determine your growth. I love what you said that that overtime it rubs off on you. Thanks for that.

Exactly. It rubs off on you because with time you soon become like the company you keep or cultivate.

As someone I revered so much said, overtime we soon smell like the company we keep. So our association matters a lot.

You can't move with great minds and remain the same. Your perspective and orientation would surely change. You can't walk with giants and remain a dwarf.

There is a way you walk with people greater and higher than you and it changes your thoughts or mindset about certain things.

Yes. It is that shift in mindset. They put you on your toes without even saying so much because you will want to ask the right questions so you can match up to their levels.

We have to carefully select our association. The community you belong to will determine your progress in life. Life is about belonging and where you belong will pave the way for you and love helps to determine our community sometimes. This is a wonderful content as usual. Thank you.

Carefully select your association that's it. If you select or choose rubbish, there goes your growth, progress or impact. I am glad you enjoyed this again. Thank you very much.

It takes careful consideration and deliberation to select who you row with. If you select nonsense, you get results for the same. Choose carefully who you want to influence you because one way or the other, your association influences you.

It's always about the association. You are right. We become what we attract. If you attract the right kind of relationship, you soon become fit for that relationship.

You are perfectly right. We really need to select wise and careful association just like you said. Positive association will affect our lives positively and negative association will affect our lives negatively depending on the influence they have upon our lifes. Your association in life determine your acceleration in life. We must not actually afford to move with the wrong association because it can really be so dangerous to us and might later make us to end in total regret which we must be really careful of. Our association is really key and quite important and we must not actually joke with it actually.

I couldn't help but agree more with the core message - that our decisions and relationships are the foundation for a truly fulfilling life.

The point about how "your association determines your destination" really touched me me. It's so easy to get comfortable in our familiar circles, but you're absolutely right that we need to be intentional about the people we surround ourselves with.

Choosing to walk with "giants" rather than dwarfing ourselves is important for growth and progress.

I especially appreciate you reminding us that love is a choice and a habit that requires continuous effort. It's not just a fluffy emotion, but a way of life that we have to consciously cultivate. The more we practice it, the more natural and effortless it becomes.

Thank you for sharing

Indeed, my friend... that our decisions and relationships are the foundation for a truly fulfilling life. We need to be intentional and choose our circle of influence more and be deliberate about it.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment as always. I always love reading from you.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your insights on the importance of intentional decision-making and relationships.

It's always a pleasure to read your posts and engage in meaningful conversations with you.

Thank you very much. I am encouraged and deeply appreciate you. Gracias, amigo.

In my country we have a very popular phrase that says tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are and it is really like that, we should always be with people who help us to be better than yesterday, try to build a tower that is impregnable and do everything from the heart that we are born from there we can be better people if we act with love and honesty, only then we can build many relationships in our environment, grandioso post amigo ♥

Exactly. Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. We are influenced by the company we choose to keep. This is why we need to be deliberate about the company we keep. Thanks a lot, my friend.

It certainly is so my friend, we should look for or at least hang around with people who help us improve in every way, who help us grow and improve as human beings, only then we can build better relationships with others if our circle is healthy so to speak ♥

If we have goals and vision, selecting the right company to relate with or hang out with should be of utmost importance for us.

Of course yes my friend, a good salary motivates you one day but a good work environment motivates you every day, it is of utmost importance to know who we are going to get together with to be able to build very good long term relationships and that we do well in all areas of life, it is certainly a very interesting topic in every way, thanks for sharing this great post with us ♥

Perfectly right. I have actually come to discover that so many people lifes have really been affected negatively which should not actually be but it is actually because of the type of people they really move with and that is why we must actually be so much careful who we actually hang out with because they can really go a long way in either affecting our life positively or negatively depending on how we make proper use of it. Some follow positive association and their lives were affected positively and some follow negative association and their lives were affected negatively

You have spoken well, dissecting the truth about self development, improvement and success for all who care to know.
Thank you for this piece

Thank you very much. I really appreciate your input and appreciate having you here too. Deeply appreciated.

It is a fact that relationships are very important in life because whenever there is a problem in life then we meet with our friends to reduce our problem and this is also a fact. That if we don't maintain friendship in this way, our life will be very sad and also I have seen in my life that some good friends leave when their meaning is fulfilled. Yes, there are many different colors of life, we have to be very thoughtful from all sides if we want to be successful in this life.

Ability to maintain credible relationship would make our lives better for it, I agree with you. It boils down on choices and having a clear vision about what we want to become. He who wants to go fast must travel light.

Life is too short, so the solution to be happy is to always help each other and behave with good manners.

Life is short. We have to build relationships and grow them because we don't have all the time to make all the mistakes. We grow as we live and learn when while encouraging valuable relationships.

Who that we walk with determined what walk with us. Just like they always say that your association determined your acceleration in life. That is just the truth. Walk with the wise and you are wise and walk with the fool and you remain a fool also. We must be very careful who we work with because they can make or mar us in life

Walk with the wise and overtime it rubs off on you. As the popular Yoruba adage says, a sheep that walks with a dog will definitely feast on what is not meant to be feasted upon. Our association matters in life.

Bad company corrupt good manners. We should be very careful what we do and the people we move with. because it can either have a positive or negative effect on us depending on how we actually. Positive association affect us positively whereas negative association affect us negatively

Bad company corrupts good manners for doesn't only corrupt it but it drags the good manners and the person down the floor. Being surrounded by the right support system helps and being able to be that support system for others help too.

We must always be very careful of bad company. They can destroy our lives totally. There are some life regret decisions that I have actually made and I will say it is due to the fact that I made some wrong associations who influence my decisions. How I wish I can really go back to the hand of time and correct some mistakes made. But well it seems it is not actually possible

I like positive people, I try to avoid negative people, it is as you say, we must try to get closer to people from whom we can learn, improve, that our change is for the better, it does not matter that there are few friendships, but that they are loyal, It's what I think and do, few friends, a lot of loyalty is what unites us

We must always make sure that we are quite intentional about our relationship and association because they can actually decide a long way in how our life plays out at the end of the day actually. So much that it can decide