Step 3: Why Your Spiritual Dimension is important for your Self Worth

in BDCommunity4 years ago

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I know a lot of people will relate this topic to things that pertains to just religion alone. Well, it is beyond the religious settings, it comprises of one's value and belief system. Am very certain that no man is without a belief system, in fact, everyman believes in something(which may include set of values, doctrines, hope, etc).

Your spiritual dimension explains your obedience, determination and commitment to your values. This is one quiet and secretive area of one's life that serves as a source of inspiration and self awareness. Some people see it has a way to become renewed within themselves especially when done in the morning.

There are four major spiritual activities I do every morning that renews my inner mind and helps my self worth for the day actitivities. They include:

1) Values Affirmation

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What I do every morning is to regularly talk to my self about my values of integrity, happiness, generosity, honesty and love. I go straight to my mind and clarify myself with my set of values. Sometimes, I do it with my mirror to be more direct while other times, I close my eyes in a quiet environment and start affirming my values repeatedly for minutes. This as a way of making my day surrounded by those values I affirm. When am at work and am in a thin line of telling a lie to my boss, I all of a sudden remember what I affirmed about honesty. This act builds my inner happiness which Increases my self esteem.

2) Meditation

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This is one exercise I do very often. Meditation keeps you in that state of awareness and critical thinking. When you meditate on your values, you create a form of remembrance about it and it opens room for critical thinking which sometimes bring questions that needs to be answered. It is just like talking within your mind and trying to anwser any questions that bumps in within that same mind.
This helps you in terms of remembrance and self awareness to things. You can practice meditation at any time of the day not necessarily in the morning.

3) Studying

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I can't really place in my head of an adult who builds physical muscles but whose brain still reasons like a toddler? That is a terrible thing to ever do. The physical building is great but the most important and sensitive is the mind. Your mind can beat your physical strength hands down. It is capable of lessing off those muscles into nothing. This is how important reading is.
For me, to read spiritual books about my faith, about finances and success is my everyday renewal vibe I tune into. It helps me think better and intelligently.

4) Music

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O boy! This is my best. I love music to the core. I play music every morning with my box breathing technique which as a way of helping me through the day. During this excercise, I love the music cool and in the RnB style. Well, this is not common for most people. They don't really think deep when it comes to music but as for me, am very careful of the kind of lyrics I pay attention too because I see it as a spiritual exercise that has a great effect on me.

In conclusion, this dimension is very relative to different people based on values and whatever they seem to have peace in. So, choose wisely and make sure everything boils down to positivity which will end up feeding your self worth much more.

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