Keep Moving.

in BDCommunity2 years ago

"Walking away is easy but the hardest part is not to look back." This is true in many aspects of our life. We do move on or take a step with a lot of struggle. Still, the things that we left behind keep haunting us on and on. Whether it's an addiction or a relationship or the actions that we performed are still affecting us.


Last month while coming back from a journey I noticed I did something embarrassing within myself that I should have handled in another way. I realized that at that moment, but it was late to correct by the time I could correct the things that person wasn't there anymore but that whole story is around me all the time. Whenever I remember that whole thing I feel guilty not because I harmed anyone but because I could help or do something meaningful for someone that could have been helpful and satisfying, would have been something novel. I missed that opportunity and as I mentioned that by the time I realized there, it was late to recorrect. I walked away from that situation saying that I couldn't help but at least I didn't hurt or trouble anyone too. But it's stuck in my mind and whenever I look back into it or by any chance it crosses through my mind I start having an odd feeling.

That was a situation or sometimes it's a relationship that we walked away from, keeps giving us flashbacks which give us both happiness and sadness. It depends on us which one is heavier and with that weight, we tend to remember or forget it. Even the happiest moments that we can't touch or feel anymore could hurt us the most and we kinda try our best not to look back on them even if they are the happy ones.

Maybe the places, the moments we spent together, the dreams we had to have kept hovering often that hurt in the beginning. We walk away from the ties but it's always hard not to look back into those memories, always hard not to feel back those feelings. If someone is stuck in the things that are left behind then it's hard to concentrate on the things coming forward.

This is me, who was struggling with the habit of getting stuck in the past or things that I had already left behind. I do often stumble in that habit but things are getting better and trying hard not to look behind. After all, this is life and the show must move on.


Hmmmm.. Nice story.. I don't know but there is always something that wants to draw us back and many times all we have to do is stick to the plan and keep moving

Yeap, no alternative to moving on.
Thank you for stopping by.

You are most welcome

I can feel you as so many times I also went through this type of situation. Yes, we might not hurt anyone by doing nothing but if we did something for them at that moment, it would be more significant to those persons. But it's not too late yet. You can help others from now which may help you remove those guilty feelings from your mind. All the very best.

Yeah, we always can help but sometimes some things lefts such a hole that is hard to fill by any other means, all we can do is just forget about it and move on. Thank You for stopping by.