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RE: CUB Yield Farming Update

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

It looks like you have added 14 cub and 71 busd only once and by providing liquidity you got lp tokens. Staking lp tokens at cub-busd pool we are earning more cubs which we stake at den. The amount of cub you have on den or waiting for harvest wont change untill you sell or do something with them. But the 14 cubs you paired with busd and added to liquidity will be changed as the price of cub is volatile. That's called impermanent loss. As long as you don't unstake the liquidity you wont face the impermanent loss.

So for easy to understand, you may count that you have earned 23 cubs and you have the liquidity you had provided in the beginning which worth can be changed when you unstake. Its a ittle bit complicated. 😐


Thank you so much for clearing that up. It is indeed complicated for newbies