
in BDCommunity3 years ago

We all do have some responsibilities towards different things to maintain. Responsibilities can be formal or informal, some can be written and some can't be. Like if you are in job or workplace you do have some strict guidelines to follow and those are some formal responsibilities in your shoulder. Suppose you have a family, everyone have that and we do have some responsibilities in it. Likey obeying our parents, if you do have children’s then taking care of them,responsibilities to own career and so on.

So the problem i am gonna talk about started from a conversation held with my mom about one of my cousin. She is somehow indifferent to the responsibilities of her children. We humans do have some basic rights like living, food ,cloths, education and security. She is enabling approximately all of them for her children. But the lacking is her responsibilities towards their education. She is not fulfilling that as she needed to be. Which is the problem of the most parents around us.

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We know that the education system is being changed time by time and its becoming harder then the previous days. So most of the parents find it hard to cope with the education of their child's ones. So what do they do? They admit them into some good school amd leave them on the teacher hand. What about the home works? Well, for that they chose home tutor, who will be completing their homework. That part of parents are on home tutors' hands. Some may say what's the problem in it! Well i am not opposite to it, I am just trying to show that they are just transferring their responsibilities on a payment to others hand. After that they don't feel the need of checking that out how its been going.

So does my cousin, She doesn’t feel keen Interest in observing her son's progress or regress.She stays busy on her own and left that part of child's education in the hand of teachers. But he is not developing, he is sticking in the way a lot. Which could have been easily done by her. She needes to keep an hundred percent observation on how far her child is doing, what's their position in learning and completing them as per they need to. She is being indifferent in her responsibility and her child is suffering the cost in education.

Thats a terrifying thing. No matter how easy we do with our-self to reduce the responsibilities.Yet, there are some marks where we shouldn’t be indifferent with. We all should get to know those points and work on them. For me i do have some responsibilities towards my family, maybe those are not so major one's,I must try to fulfill them. More specifically we cam say that all the people on hive also do have some responsibilities towards it too. Like staying our-self away from scamming, plagiarism, copy-pasting and so on. We need to make this place beautiful through us, free from garbage filled with quality. We can't be indifferent to these and just stick here.

So whether be its our own career, our family, our society or any place we interact with must have some responsibilities towards them and can not help fulfilling them.


Nice write up.
Well when we see a child that has bad manners. we blame the parents or society. Now the parents will be blame the educational system. If we shy away from our responsibility, then we are building a failed future/system.

Yeah that's the point, we should be aware on our own duties respectively to make everything better.

Maybe she has so many things on her plate. It is difficult juggling between being a parent and a career woman.

Secondly, value. Maybe she doesn't value education that much.

Lastly, maybe you should approach her differently. Most people don't like to be told what to do. So how you handle the situation makes.

Have a chat with your cousin and see her point of view.

I got your point,

Maybe she has so many things on her plate.

Yeah but need to manage everything according to their need.

Maybe she doesn't value education that much.

No, she does, just being careless because of that covid-19 huge lockdown.

Lastly, maybe you should approach her differently.

My mom did, and she shared that topic with me.That's why i am writing here on realising that.

Btw thank you for your time and valuable opinions.