Staying Prepared

in BDCommunity2 years ago


"Come on kids, we are going out."
"Figure out yourselves."

Terris got prepared with all the necessary precautions and went on the adventure with his three children. They went to the mountain, and while coming they left behind all tech or daily helpful things to live with. They were exploring through the jungles, searching for food, learning to make fire, and cooking themselves with whatever they gathered. In short, they were learning survival methods. One of them was kinda lazy and wasn't paying any attention to any of these things. He was just roaming and time passed with them, can't help without going with them.

Every week they would go on these kinda adventures to different places, the kids wonder about the need for these surviving adventures, they are not gonna leave behind their city life, then why?

One day the secret got revealed, and their father is describing something from his past, just before starting he seemed to get sad, maybe something heart-breaking went through his mind. The backstory is something like he had six siblings, and their village wasn't as well organized as today's one. In one mysterious event, everything got erased, looked like havoc, just nature, and living things, everything else got destroyed. Among all those siblings, only Terris could make it out alive through those devastating days. In the beginning, they were together and felt like unity would keep them alive. But as time went by things started getting cruel, every decision and mistake used to have a great impact. Gradually, everyone was left to die and he came out alive. It was just some of the survival methods that he acquired while going on hunting with his father before he had died suffering from an unknown disease.

"Do you think something like that is going to happen again?" The kids asked.

"Who knows? Maybe it can happen or it won't. But there is no harm in learning to survive in adverse situations."

Yeah, life is all about getting prepared for the unknown situation which is yet to come. There is no harm to stay prepared for situations that might go beyond our expectations. Instead of fading away, a fight is a thousand times satisfactory to have.

Maybe a mysterious event is not coming towards us to eliminate humankind, but there are much worse consequences roaming around us, if not tackled properly then we might not be able to survive. Already we are going through different problems, right? You won't have to go to the mountains to learn survival methods, find out our possible mysterious events which could create havoc in our way, leave alone those extreme calamities, think about the hindrances we face in our lives, and get prepared for them at least to have a breath of satisfaction without any worries.


Nice Picture, With beautiful writing.

Thanks, glad to see you back.

I was in prison.

Yeah, I saw that post of yours. Thanks to the Almighty that you got freed.

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