
Why aren't you a fan of Peterson if I may ask?

He's a misogynist and has very reductive thinking to do with gender roles. Here are a couple links over the years after a quick search:

I'm sure there are more out there. While he may have interesting thoughts on a lot of things, I'm not sure that I'm interesting in learning from someone that has such rigid and harmful values.

While he may have interesting thoughts on a lot of things, I'm not sure that I'm interested in learning from someone that has such rigid and harmful values.

Not agreeing with His stance of gender-based issues (most of which I agree with most by the way) invalidates every other thing he has to say?

I'm not a fan of radical leftists but when it comes to matters of fact and objectivity one cannot let sentiment get in the way.

It doesn't invalidate what he says, I just don't want to learn from him.

There are a lot of other thinkers and writers (like Sivers) that have whole life values that align with my own that I would rather learn from.

I'm not a fan of radical leftists but when it comes to matters of fact and objectivity one cannot let sentiment get in the way.

Not sure what you are implying here, but I'm not sure that the area that Peterson communicates on can be matters of fact, but like I said I have only read a couple of his older works and has grown the entire social science to that of a "hard science".

It doesn't invalidate what he says, I just don't want to learn from him

Perfectly fine. I was only arguing the reason for doing so.

Not sure what you are implying here, but I'm not sure that the area that Peterson communicates on can be matters of fact

Why so? Most of his deductions are based on things that can be evaluated scientifically. He refers to some of them in his books.

the entire social science to that of a "hard science".

There is no absolute when examining human behavior and social behavior. However, some patterns are consistent over time for the majority.

Peterson happens to be pro-men which doesn't sit well with many. I have heard a lot of feminists say more triggering things that are often baseless (but where is the outrage?).

For me it refreshing to hear something different from ideologies propagated by the same media we don't trust.