What's Your Addiction? - Blogging on HIVE

in BDCommunity4 years ago


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I'm glad to be here again. I hope you all are doing fine? I did discussed about why you need to start blogging on Hive in my previous post and today I will be discussing about my Addiction.

When we talk about addiction, what would come to the mind of many people is drug because that word addiction is used from now and then on drug abuse. However, I want you all to realise addiction is way more than just drugs. Addictions have its wings stretched to many areas.

Lets take for instance my engagement here on Hive. I've been leveraging Hive for the past few years right from the days of Steem and it has become more like a daily routine for me because a day would hardly pass by that I won't check into Hive to do one thing or the other.

This daily routine of a thing is exactly what I would refer to as addiction. And as such, I can categorically say I am very much addicted to blogging on the Hive platform.

Come to think of it, Hive is a home for everyone especially when we talk about social media. This is simply because Hive is a unique platform that was built on a very strong foundation and that foundation is what I refer to as the community.

Basically, when I am asked what Hive is, what I end up telling people is that "Hive is a blockchain-based content creation platform that was created by the people and for the community with the basic features of decentralization and freedom of speech.

As far as am concerned, Blogging on Hive has become an addiction for me. How about you? Is blogging on Hive an addiction for you?


writing is one of my best hobby. before hive, i have write in some local blog. but now it is great to write in hive.