Let us free from our shoulders that weight of responsibility that we feel is too heavy

in BDCommunity2 years ago (edited)



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, usually sometimes we feel like our body feels exhausted by certain extra weight, that is, for trying to put on our shoulders responsibilities adjacent to us, maybe we can do this for a certain period of time, but nevertheless, we must constantly measure the consequences that this overload will have on us and how long we can carry this, that is why it is worth to ask you:

Have you ever felt that you are carrying an overload of responsibilities on your shoulders?

I think this can happen to any of us and in any aspect of our lives, that is, in the family, work or any other aspect of our coexistence with the people around us, with the passage of time we mentally measure our own weight in terms of our loads of responsibilities in all areas, this should keep it as our constant balance to detect extra weights that we will naturally have, but that they should be momentary because otherwise it will unbalance us and lead us to a possible emotional collapse.



In reality we generally prepare ourselves to support more weight than we are used to, that is, in the same way as any company manufactures certain machines with certain installed capacities to perform certain productive activity, and almost always offer a higher margin than the installed capacities, but, they recommend what their limits are to avoid a possible collapse in terms of the normal operation of the same, therefore, the people responsible for handling the machine will avoid at all costs an overload because logically if this happens the machine would stop working.

Therefore, my dear readers, sometimes we feel that we can lift an extra weight on our shoulders, but, not all the time it will be this way because there will come a time when this extra weight on our shoulders goes beyond our installed capacity if we liken it to the previous example, then, logically we will feel overwhelmed and collapsed with so many responsibilities, therefore, we must get rid of all the extra responsibility that has made us unbalance our inner peace.

Human beings sometimes cling to certain material things and what we do is to accumulate responsibilities that in the end we find it difficult to maintain, in the same way we think we carry responsibilities for people around us and try to divide ourselves to keep others complete, it does not mean that we can not support to some extent, however, when we feel that this action is exhausting us more than normal, we must free ourselves from it and teach to carry this responsibility to the person who corresponds to it.

Sometimes we believe that a certain person next to us can not carry certain responsibilities on their shoulders, but if we do not allow this to happen this person will never dare to do it, our best help will always be the learning offered in relation to know how to carry each one their responsibilities, and this can also happen the other way around, that is, that in the same way we transmit to us certain experiences in the above mentioned.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.

