A good talker makes a good liar!

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

Deciding 'what to say' if the relationship is complicated seems very challenging to me. Maybe because I'm not a smart talker or maybe this happens to everyone. But I personally think the first one is more relatable to be.


A great talker, a great liar.

I always wonder if that is true. People nowadays rush to be a better communicator. Yeah, I know that is necessary in this world of marketing. Everyone wants to sell them in many ways and I'm not an exception. But is there any chance that this trait is making them liar, anyway.

Now, I'm gonna blast the bomb. I believe, in most cases, a good talker is a good liar actually!

But that's just what I believe and you don't have to agree with it. If you are interested, you can read more...

There's no way that introvert people, people who talk less is not a liar. A liar has many forms and faces. But what I'm trying to say, the more you talk the more space you are creating to make lies.

I was in a multinational company for four and a half years. I worked with HR. Before that, I worked with a market research group. And believe me, the amount of liar I've seen in these years is more than what I experienced in my whole life. People lie, unnecessary, to prove themselves smart. But they never understand lies and lies. They never can make anyone smart.


I don't blame then one-sidedly. It's understandable why we make this a 'norm' to lie. You lie about your ability, about your status, even about your dream and possibly everything. The unfortunate part is, we think people will never find our lies. Oh, don't be a fool thinking you are over smart.

One simple practice can bring a solution. But it's challenging to adopt. And that is, 'talk less'. Don't talk unnecessarily, reduce the space to produce more lies. There are many alternative ways to prove ourselves, it does not always have to be verbal. Adopt something else, a persona so it can talk for you. We don't have to lie to prove ourselves we are better than any. People will believe it temporarily but in long run, you sure will lose the trust.

Choose your side!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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