Not anywhere or anything!!

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

I was sitting on the chair, alone. It was a huge cinema hall and the screen was huge. But no one was there. I didn't have to wait for the movie to start. I entered in the room and just in a mili second the cinema started to play, automatically, all by itself!


Isn't scary? I was not sure what I'm looking at for a few seconds. But it didn't take me long to recognize myself in the screen. I got really scared for a moment until I realize what it is...

It was my life, I was watching my 'life movie' playing in front of my eyes.

I knew from the very moment that I can not change what is going on the screen, I'm just like any other outsiders. I only can enjoy, cry, listen and LIVE; or die maybe!

And I thought, well...that's okay. Let's enjoy the movie then.

Every lost souls reminds us about death, every person we lose gives us a moment to think about spirituality and after life. The pain is more for us than for them. They remind me about the life we have to live without them.


I lost three of my relatives in last two weeks. I attended their funeral, I acted normal. But deep inside I knew, it doesn't feel normal at all. It's not like this is the first time I'm losing someone closest. But this surely a time I realized it differently.

I lost my Dad then years ago. I know the pain to lose someone dearest. But that time I was immature, I was mad, I was sad like hell. This time, I took time to understand everything. From what is going on around, what I need to do and how I'm feeling.

And you can guess, how I was feeling. Yeah, what I've explained at the very first in my writing.

I felt lost, I was present in the moment but not sure about anything. I was trying to reach every emotions but it felt I'm nothing close. My mind was absent, it felt like I'm alone in room with all the window closed.

I felt like I'm not living anywhere and not feeling anything...I was empty.



This emptiness gave me the chance to understand and appreciate life more!

Now I can see the light. It's getting brighter. Maybe I would never catch the light. And I think that's okay, it's not necessary also. I can live, love and laugh!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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Sister wrote very nicely.


This is such a bittersweet post Reala, even if it isn't a true story (of which I'm not sure) it expresses things we
All share. Well done @rem-steem

It's something like fiction but this is how I sometimes feel.
Have a great day!

Only death is truth here nothing is truth even not the truth! Good writing.

That's the truth!

So sorry for your loss.
Life is harsh sometimes and many people are suffering now.
But your attitude toward positivity is inspirational
Thanks for reminding me
Have a blessed day

It's true, we all have the experience of how it feels to lose someone. Im trying my best to look at the bright side of life.
Thanks for your appreciation. Have a great day, dear!

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