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RE: If we don't find acceptance in our own Family...

in BDCommunity2 years ago

Our socio-cultural practice doesn't teach us to initiate assertive conversation. And so we never learn how to communicate and express ourselves in a proper way. I guess we all have been there and struggled with this.
As a parent now, I feel like breaking this barrier is the first thing I need to do.
When we are accepted in our homes, we will reflect the same in society.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Have a good day.


Honestly apu.
That's been the point we miss often.
Your kids arw gonna be very lucky one to have you.
Good wishes for you guys

I wouldn't say I'm a good parent though and he will feel lucky. As humans we all have flaws and I know mine. I know, he will find a thousand reasons to complain even if I give my 100%.
But one thing I try to make sure of is, when he looked back he can say, "he had a fun childhood, he can remember how he was loved."
Thanks for your kid words. :)