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RE: If we don't find acceptance in our own Family...

in BDCommunity2 years ago

Yes, long way to go. When I sit with other parents in my son's school; I still see the "same picture" that used to be in the 90s. Hard to believe, no? But that's what I found.
Many still think that a good grade will make their kids achieve everything. lol
While they forgot as you said, "communication and the understanding of both perspectives will always be the key."
I wish we could be a little more considerate to our child.

 2 years ago  

Many still think that a good grade will make their kids achieve everything.

This was and still is the most pathetic thing I've heard and seen. Maybe they don't see all the students/people who hold A+ grades, but still can't find a job for first 2 to 3 years when they quite confidently head out of University.

Development of character and such other traits are much more important to be successful in life. If you you're not confident, if you don't put yourself out there, don't make a mark, a difference; then no matter how many certificates you hold, I say you won't make it that far.

Nowadays the most valuable asset is trust, that's how I see and have experienced it at least. Yes, even though I'm not recruiting anyone for a job, but one day I just might. And as they say...

Yet, I still maintain a group, a productive group related to my work and lifestyle. So, whenever I find a bunch of people whom I can trust with my eyes closed, I try my best maintain a good relationship. Because as they say...

You are the company you keep

I don't care where they're from, how they look or what grades and certificates they hold, and I know many other people who look at it the same way.

That's the right thought. Because at the end of the day, good grades only matter 10-20% if we talk about specific fields. So developing character and confidence is much more important.
I agree.

 2 years ago  

Glad that we can agree on it, because that itself is a sign of progress I'd say.