This city is not for us!

in BDCommunity2 years ago (edited)

The feeling is bittersweet here in this city. No matter how much we say optimistic about it, the harsh reality will slap us hard in our faces in the very moment.


I'm talking about Dhaka, the place where I've been living for over 15 years now. We who left our home started to search for a living here in this capital city shares kind of mixed feelings about it. But the common ground is, that we never call it home.

I sometimes wonder, why so? Why can't we call it home from our hearts even though we love this city?

Probably the answer lies in our lifestyle. We all do secretly cherish the dream to someday leave this concrete jungle and make our own home somewhere peaceful. Isn't it?

This city is not for us, for you and me who live penny by penny. It feels like a coop sometimes. I can't breathe, I don't know what's coming next.

More than 40% is going on the housing of our income, 30% on food. The equation is hard to balance. We don't know how we are meeting other costs. There's no future, I don't know what will happen if we can't afford it anymore if something happens to us.

Sould we call this a life?


Just Yesterday I was in Uttara, which is a suburb and around 25km away from my living area. I took an auto rickshaw and guess what? It took me more than 3 hours to come back home, to drive through the traffic, to cross just 25 km. It was frustrating, disgusting, and awful. I had to pay more than double the rent of the autorickshaw. Thousands like me were in the same traffic. I was thinking all this while sitting in the coop-like vehicle.

Yes, we are in a coop. Yes, this is not how life should be. Yes, I feel horrid living here. Yes, I don't have any other option right now. And yes, this city is sure not for us. I can't afford it anymore...

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Almost everyone is in similar situation worldwide. The housing market went crazy and there is so much demand caused by massive urbanization that happened in the last thirty years. I don't know what's the solution other than trying to figure out a policy that encourages pockets of economies outside of these metros.

I know. Unfortunately, there's no quick solution and it doesn't seem like the authority care much. We have to figure out something from our personal level.
Thanks for sharing your words.

A lot of people go through this a lot. Traffic jam is the worse thing that can happen to a person on the road. It's always frustrating. I totally understand your rant Rem, just take it easy. It may get better someday. Hugs

Though there's no hope. But we try our best to be optimistic. Thanks for adding your words.

You're welcome 😊

I wrote a rant post yesterday too. Its easier to rant these days. Everything is frustrating atm.

I hope you find a balance and happiness in other things.

!LUV & !PIZZA @rem-steem

The situation is similar for the hustlers all over the world.
Thanks for adding your words.

Your thinking is absolutely right.I also wanted to live in the city but after seeing your post it was a bit of a bummer to come. Most importantly when we live in the city we don't have any relatives or anything as close relationships.

That's the worst part, staying apart from relatives.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

 2 years ago (edited) 

More than 40% is going on the housing of our income, 30% on food. The equation is hard to balance.

This is just surviving, not living the life.

I am not a resident of Dhaka but I need to visit there a couple of times every month, things are established in such a way that you can not but depend on Dhaka for various needs. Things should have been spread throughout the other major cities too. Whether it's education, health, or jobs you must place Dhaka at the top and everything is far away.

I agree. I never call it a living. It's more like we are forced to rather a personal choice to live here.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Wow... three hours to travel 25 km. That is quite a jam. Not very nice. I can imagine how frustrating it must be.

I was so pissed, I can't say it in words. I hate this traffic, this city.

haha... I can imagine the feeling. I would be so pissed, I couldn't find the words too. 😊

Have a great weekend.

Surely this city is not for us. People just living this city for survive.

I don’t like this city personally. Everything looks awkward in dhaka city.

I wish I could leave Dhaka. :/

Sorry to hear about the harsh city conditions -- 3 hours to travel home sounds very difficult, especially being cooped up in a taxi in traffic. Hopefully things improve soon or more likely hopefully working more at crypto/Hive gives everyone in the online crypto community the freedom and prosperity we're aiming for.

There's no hope to improve the traffic and city life. But I agree that Hive sure can help improve our lives, that's what I'm trying to bring.

To the future of Hive and the freedom it'll bring! 🍻

We are alien!! Because we are living in Dhaka.

Indeed. Lifeless being 😓


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