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RE: "Taking a break can lead to breakthroughs!"

in BDCommunity • 4 years ago

I disagree 😆
You will never be in a situation where you cannot talk about your toddler. They do million things in an hour that are super interesting and exciting. I can attest to that and my lil one is not even a toddler yet. You can write 5 posts a day on Hive if you describe your toddler.

Stay sane.

 4 years ago  

That's so true. My personal time is a long gone story. Ha ha ha!
I really need a break, not without him though!
You soon will see a talkative restless toddler.
Have a great day.

There is no personal, everything is communal at this point. He is already a restless walking/running infant and we are waiting him to babble. 😇