BDC Contest - My Favorite Books from my Childhood

in BDCommunity2 years ago

I was never that fond of reading books but among all the one I have read this book was and always will be my favorite one.
The romantic thriller novel 'Tobuo Sondha' has given some life-lessons to the smooth rural twist that will make the reader enjoy the beauty of the book. I finished reading continuously.
People tries their best to get something in the world and that is desired happiness. Its scope is the same for each person. Despite the limitations of each character in the novel, each was blossoming into its own glory. At first, the layout seemed uninterrupted to me, but as soon as I saw the ugly human form and humanity disappearing under the guise of a good mask, its twist reached its climax, which was exactly the last line of the novel. The novel is arranged in the context of Sandhya river of Pirojpur and its surrounding area. The character 'Abid' seemed to me the most enchanting in this novel. Abid and Nishi's love was soft and dirty. The thread of their love may not have been in their hands, it was in the hands of this society. So the book made me feel like a magnet in the interest of knowing the end result of this love. Just as the love of Abid and Nishi kept the thrill of the novel bright, so did the betrayal of Ramizuddin and Latifa Begum in Kunjmala and the attempt to make Jalal Mollah the victim of the thriller. In the end, I will say that there are some situations in which human life flows like a river, but it may not be permanent. The fact that all the characters in the novel and the river Sandhya are tied in the same thread is a reflection of the consequences of the relationship, abuse of power, self-esteem, love and devotion.

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