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RE: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before 20

in BDCommunity2 years ago

Love all of these advices except the money part, jk 🤣 I'm glad that I had done the #3 before the pandemic. Thank you for this! 😍 It made me remember that I've done courageous things before, so I shouldn't be discouraged every time I experience failure from this day forward. Looking forward to more self-encouragement posts!

How about you? What tips or advice would you give to your former self?

I feel so old answering this, but there's one thing I wanna tell myself.

"YOLO is not true. You live every day, and you die once. So, make sure to spend most of your life calculated." 🤍


That's awesome! It's great that you've done something entirely new and it paid off.

Yes, I agree too. Although we only have one life, we must do everything to make that life last long but enjoyable and happy as well.

Thank you for your feedback!! Hope to read more from your content as well!