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RE: Himu, Earworm and Fahrenheit 451

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Yes absolutely. But i'll have to buy the book first and it's been kinda difficult to take time out tbh. I do have quite a bit of time to read in the evenings, but by the time I'm free, all the libraries are shut LOL. But let's see, I may have the next Saturday off.


Yeah, i understand. You hardcover junkies prefer the touch of paper

But for me its all about the content inside. Like, dada suggested me this book around 9PM yesterday. I finished it within 2.5 hrs at once. Like i was hooked from the get go.. And only a 5 mins break along the way..

Hahah yes, Need paperback! I swear I could read my most favorite books on my phone or laptop and I would absolutely hate the book! It's a psychological thing xD

Oh well.. I know that feeling.. Digital copies kinda destroy the atmosphere and the aesthetics.