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RE: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

Yes that is true. Hard to come across the real version of history. But even for the morphed version of history, perspective matters on how we interpret it. Taking dada's example in this post, leaving aside whether the version of history he referred to was the real version or morphed to a certain extent, the way he sees it at a younger age and the way he sees it now are very different. So, perspective ;) But as dada mentioned below, I should get my hands on 1984!


Interpreting a morped version only morphs it more. Nonetheless, perspective is as important as they come. But what matters is judgement.. That is where somebody is either deemed to be a freedom fighter or a terrorist. Now, if a morphed history that clouds your judgment makes you interpret a event from a false angle, warior to betrayer, wheres the point then? Perspective matters, until its manipulated otherwise ;).

Errr.....I see where the misunderstanding happened lol!

When I brought up perspective, I was actually referring to the fact that, dada used to be fascinated by the violent sect as a younger guy. But once he had his own family to worry about, his perspective towards the Khudiram Bose incident changed.

 4 years ago (edited) 

LOL:V i was trying to sound like philosophically woke and all that.You gave up too soon BTW:V

 4 years ago (edited) 

No I didn't give up, you were just saying everything I agree with :v :v Kinda hard to come up with logic against my own thoughts lmao! :v


You should go for a swim btw!

Let's see if you figure this out :v :v