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RE: Building A Relationship?

in BDCommunity27 days ago

Bad company corrupt good manners. We should be very careful what we do and the people we move with. because it can either have a positive or negative effect on us depending on how we actually. Positive association affect us positively whereas negative association affect us negatively


Bad company corrupts good manners for doesn't only corrupt it but it drags the good manners and the person down the floor. Being surrounded by the right support system helps and being able to be that support system for others help too.

We must always be very careful of bad company. They can destroy our lives totally. There are some life regret decisions that I have actually made and I will say it is due to the fact that I made some wrong associations who influence my decisions. How I wish I can really go back to the hand of time and correct some mistakes made. But well it seems it is not actually possible