Plan and un-plan but never abort the vison.

in BDCommunity3 years ago

When starting a new phase and it seems to get difficult, it is hard to tell when to give up and when to keep moving. Although determination and courage are keys to achieving success in any venture. If you want to create an empire for yourself, “keeping with it” is a very crucial character to own. On a second thought, “not giving up” isn’t the greatest idea yet! Sometimes giving up is also an option. Smart people don’t make the same mistakes repeatedly, rather they change, amend and swivel.


Life comes in two stages. While sometimes you should keep pushing and don’t give up, other times, it is good to give up. The question is, how do you know when to call it quit? Failure is the number one reason people give up. Failures come because of certain mistakes like;

  • When you cannot build ways to approach your goal, measure probabilities of success; failing to execute a good plan or vision.

  • When you make plans that do not deliver the right results you want to see.

  • When you don’t have a direction. When you don’t follow your OWN dreams but live someone else’s life.

You may have a clear vision and good plans, but don’t know how to execute these plans. There are three major ways to attack this issue:


Make records of every process:

Google has a worldwide network connection. Why? This is because the project was carefully planned out and all processes duly recorded. To ensure success, you need to keep track of specific steps and develop checklists for times when things go haywire.

Measure your results

If you start something new like going into a new business, bringing up new ideas and the likes, check how it’s going. How many call-ups do you get per day? How many sales have you made so far? If you are a writer, check how frequently you post a new article. A sports person, check the hours you take to exercise. If you don’t do this, how would you know your plans are actually working?

Change your plans.

Change is constant. That is why sometimes the way you did things in the past may not make sense now. Your former plans which were condemned might be a great idea now. To be successful, take track of your manner of approach. You should not be stagnant on one plan. Rather change this plans to move your vision forward.

You also may have a clear vision, but don’t have the right plans to reach those goals. How do you fix this?

I have been running with the vision to build the stable version of the Typeearn application for over a year and it has not been working but 2 months ago; I changed my focus a bit to ensure I don’t base all expenses for the project on my little investors. I took the responsibilities to provide more for the project and to get the best developers together. So far, the progress has been very much better.

Set your plan in motion quickly

You may think your idea is not good enough. Though you have a clear vison and a plan. Looking at amazon, the vision was to become the world’s largest customer centric company. The first launch was an enormous loss, the second was also a loss. But the third became a tremendous success. It is easier to launch it quick and get feedbacks on whether it works.


** Launch it cheaply**

It is easier to fail cheaply than to lose costly. Failing cheaply gives room for testing of more ideas. It will be very hard to give up on a project that you must have put in all energy and lots of money into. Testing new ideas cheaply avoids huge pitfalls and increases your chances of trying out newer, better ideas that will work best for you.

Amend it regularly

Many people think that if their first idea didn’t work, it means that it’s not meant for them. That’s not it! Change your strategies, develop your plans.

A Question:
What if I’m caught up living the dream that wasn’t mine initially?

A young boy named John had always dreamt to be a musician. Like every parent, John’s mother wanted him to become a medical doctor like his father. John went to school and studied, struggling and finding it difficult to cope. Then he GAVE UP on living his mother’s dream after being thrown out of the department because of his low grades. He followed his dreams. He is now making it big in the music industry, building an empire for himself and his aging mother.

So, how do you deal with the problem of vision?


Think about your vision: it is necessary to sit and think about your dreams and find out if your life is moving in that direction. Many people like the idea of moving in the direction life takes them to. But this is not the right thing to do. You realize you are not actually living up to the dreams you had for yourself.

Hold on to things you can’t do without: if your dream is to become a surgeon and nothing else, please hold on to it. That is the only way to live a fulfilled life. If you want to get engrossed in something, that something should be your visions. Once you are confident in your vision, it is very difficult for you to get distracted or confused.

Forget the critics: if you are someone with a grand vision, you know you will have a lot of haters. Criticism gives room for more improvements. Overlook your critics and let your focus be on your vision.

Sometimes, all you need to do is navigate your plans, develop them or even change them. Keep your mind focused on your vision. Figure out the right ways to achieving them and you will find your vision revealing itself.

You should give up on a plan when it seems like it’s not working, when your plan looks like it’s making life miserable for you but never give up on your visions!