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RE: New and Updated Guidelines for BDVoter

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Thank you for this improvement. You guys are among the communities I respect here. But, one thing about "quality" is that- they are mostly based on perspective. I moderated on a couple of projects on Steem back then and I see that setting quality based on some factors as the best to judge quality. For instance-- How comprehensive, thoughts and originality, style and language used, punctuation and readability, post formation and many more. These factors would also make the content writers to improve considerably over time. Anyway, this is a good one from you guys.


As we said. -At the end of the day, WE reserve the right to decide what low-effort and low-quality is, and we think we have a good sense of judgment.

That was just a thought- nothing to re-quote for, I read that. You guys have curated my post several times and I have no issues with the ways you define quality or judgement. Again, that was simply a thought.


Just a confirmation, I wrote this to appreciate you guys a couple weeks a go. :)

Hi,greetings sir @tykee ,
Still fairly new in Hive and I keep kinda snooping around. I smiled reading this exchange. I think you ended the discourse so well because, I also felt you were just expressing an innocuous thought.

I'm open to ways to get more curation coming my way. Yes sir,I have passed through the tutoring of the kind of things in this blog and have diligently aligned myself accordingly.

What's left is exposure to more curators. So lead me on,if you know any. Thank you.

Best regards.