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RE: The little Prometheus In Me.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

To me, this comment is worth more than 10 others, comments that were just put together out of thoughtless reads.:) You know dada, i do not do this for the rewards.. Or else i couldve cooked up spammy posts, the very thing we are fighting to change.

Greek gods are so human isn’t it?

A little too much dada.. Even the allmighty zeus is more human than most of us will ever be. And that is something soo fascinating to me.

Youve been to places i long to see dada.! Im soo jealous.:v fingers crossed, hopefully ill be able to become a world citizen, someday. I have my eyes set on mount Fuji, and i know its far fetched, to actually be able to go there. But one can dream i guess.



That’s temple of Athena Nike at Acropolis, I like it better than Parthenon.... my own shot.

:o:o.. We have a very old very greek looking small temple at my uni. the only greek thing ive ever seen.. It mustve been a majestic trip for you tho..getting to visit all these places so intertwined with history and civilization..