 2 years ago  

Well.. I guess because we never saw any creature like that, it feels creepy to even imagine it. But if we are used to seeing them in real life Like octopus :3 maybe the result would've been different.

I am not used to seeing octopus. Your smuts full of tentacles gives me chills. I hate them! But yeah i understand what you are saying. Imagine creatures who are billions of years old, looking like that coming infront of you. All gyroscope like, full of eyes!

 2 years ago  

Your smuts full of tentacles gives me chills

You are missing out the golds :v

But yeah, the site would've created a dying situation for most, but technically you would be already dead. So, you could do nothing but stand still (Could scream if you want tho)

You really want to see me dead dont you? Its apparent! Why! What did i di! What did i do! Your di di is still there. I have not done what i intend to do yet:3

 2 years ago (edited) 

XDDD Yoo.. I am just stating the facts :v No point of getting all worked up XD
Also my di di will be alright, no need to worry :v

all i do is worry about your di di:3

 2 years ago  

Yuck :v