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RE: G is GROWING a vegetable GARDEN in pots 😍

in Feel Good β€’ 4 years ago

Any idea to grow a garden is good ! πŸ˜‰
Welcome to the #alphabethunt @silversaver888 !
So that you be aware of it, the challenge consists on posting 6 different objects or concepts starting with the letter of the week πŸ˜‰
I'm kinda loose on the rules because the aim is to have fun, so your post is appreciated anyway 😊 Now you know for the next time you want to participate, you 'd have to post 6...and you'll multiply the fun x 6 ! 😁

Sort: Β 

I remember my first day of school when I was so eager and happy to be in a class with kids like me, and nothing else mattered 😁, until the teacher says.."ummm, did you not read the rules, girls on the right"... and all the while I was wondering πŸ˜•why I was the only girl on the left!!!🀣 . Sorry.
I appreciate your warm welcome and comment! I am ready for 6 times the fun with letter "H" for next time!
Have a fabulous week ahead, @barbara-orenya, and take care πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™