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RE: Season Hunt Challenge - MISTY / FOGGY (Winter Hunt)

in Feel Good2 years ago

So, now you're at the end of my hunt and I do hope you liked what you saw.

My friend, what is there not to like? The photos are just fantastic. The theme is Misty/Foggy and you have given us exactly what everyone in their minds think a post with this theme should look like. What a perfect hunt for you! 👏👏👏

Thanks for sharing these. In truth, I can probably count with my fingers the number of times I have experienced being in a foggy or misty place and they were not even 1/4 as thick as the ones you showed here. So awesome.

Wishing you get to be one of the winners in the lucky draw. This post deserves it 😊


You should live here where we often don't see the sun during weeks because the fog doesn't dissolve ... but I love it and I can escape onto a mountain at any time 😁

Thanks so much that you like my post and for the nice words you have found, my friend, and you are right, it was kind of perfect for me 😊

PS, I don't participate to win, it's just for fun and it motivates me to take my time and post at least once a week 😉

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !