Colours 🎨 colours / Touch Cool

in Feel Good3 years ago

Colours always make me happy. Colours are like life to me.


Previously, I bought for my children a set of 48 markers named Touch Raven, and now I bought for myself 60 markers of Touch Cool brand. If you search online, there are so many variants of Touch series markers; Touch New, Touch Cool, Touch Raven, etc. However, I still think the best markers are Copic markers because many professional artists use it. We ain't professional artists but we love to draw and to colour, anything art, anything craft. Rewarding ourselves with our set of markers is a must because it is thorough art we find our quiet time and calmness and serenity. Trust me, it is good for the home's environment.

My 60 markers of Touch Cool


Don't you find these are amazing? Those array of colours. If I have more money, I would invest in the 180 markers, perhaps in the near future. Let's start with 60 markers first. I love it comes with a sturdy bag, and it has been upgraded with a plastic stand, so that the each marker can stand properly and nearly on its own spot.


Without further ado...

I took some time to test out the markers one by one according to group. I noticed the green group took the highest percentage so I took out all the green variant, followed by pinkish to red, orange to brown, blue and grey variant. Because the seller didn't give me the chart, I might as well at the same made a chart. I want to familiarize with the name and colours so that when I use them, I don't pick up the wrong colour from the one I want in my imagination.

It took me awhile...

Patiently, I colour one by one, one stroke at a time, using both the thick and thin heads. And then I labelled them accordingly. Finally, my chart was done!


I can't wait to do more art with the boys together. And this time, it will be more fun because I have my own set of markers and they have theirs. Yuhoo!! Touch cool, hope I can make a cool art. 😊🎨😎

My most recent trial and error


As you can see, I am not a professional artist at all, but no one says only the professional can draw. A noob can draw too, as long as it creates happiness in and around.

❤️Love from me❤️