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RE: Wild Violets - phone photography

in Feel Good2 months ago

I probably told you this before, but the last house I lived in was in an semi-old neighborhood like one I grew up in before folks decided their lawn being free of clovers and dandelions and wildflower grasses. The lawn had basically not been over cared for in many years, but the beautiful thing about it was that it still had all those grasses. It was wonderful and brought back so many found memories. Since I was in charge of mowing it or having it mowed, I left it the first spring for a while and when I did mow, I left two big circles of uncut grass in the backyard where I could see it out my kitchen window and I was highly rewarded for that decision. One day I noticed movement and there were yellow finches in the tall grass and as I watched, they would get next to a dandelion, put one foot on the stem and then scoot down it sideways causing the top to lay over and when they got to the top, they then ate the seeds off. I had never seen such a thing and I wondered about all the things we were missing by being too fast to cut the grass.

It also had a big patch of redtop grass, the tops of which you never get to see with a frequently mowed yard. It wasn't more than 5 or 6 inches tall (or that is how it seemed this much later).... and it was so beautiful when the red feather'ish tops appeared and the morning or evening sun shown slanted threw it. I took photos somewhere, but like always, they just didn't do it justice. It warmed my heart to see it.