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RE: Natural Noses - AlphabetHunt

in Feel Good4 years ago

Haha, good morning Zac, this day begins with a big laugh and smile on my face, because I just imagined your pants and your mother's facial expression 😁

Believe me, I'm already in that stage where I often think "what the h*** did I want to do a second ago?"

I think so too.
So, in about 5 or 6000 years I will dig myself out of the ground and try to watch the comet again ... and hope that there's no hungry Zac bird sitting on a tree branch looking for curious earthworms 🤣

Cheers and !BEER
... and let me try something new


Good afternoon Hannes.
My mom was a very highly charged individual that acted upon her impulses lol.
So, I will get it with anything that was near her hahaha.

Hahaha, oh yeah, I know that one well, as it happens every day to me.
It's like a guard standing at the door of my brains memory bank that refuses to open the door hahaha.

Hahaha, where do you find all of these things that come out with?
I think the doors to your humor banks are wide open hahaha

Cheers and thanks!

Good evening Zac,

yes, you have told me about your mom before - she was a great woman 🙂

Funny thing is that in my office we are all in about the same age, and everyone of us asks this question at least once a day 🙃

Well, I think the more I have to do at work the more stupid thoughts come into my mind. So, you might be right and the doors are wide open at the moment 😉

Cheers and !BEER

I was the stupit there Hannes, for thinking that I could get away with wet yellow pumpkin in my pocket 😇

I think it is all to do with information overload. We jump on our PC's and phones beween conversations and replies and our thought patterns become "confussed" (my own word for confused) Eternal turmoil goes on inside our heads and and we jump from though to thought forgetting to concentrate!

Yeah, exactly as I described above, the mind seeks escape into humor 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

The idea was good, only the execution was maybe not so good 😉

I agree, but it's also the age which plays a role, because only a few years ago I had even more to do and no problems at all. But whatever the reasons may be, we have to live with it 😁

I like the words "escape into humor" 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Forgetfulness is the new fashion Hannes and I am also very bad with names.
I remember yours because I type it often, but whenever I am physically introduced to a stranger I have to rely on my wife to remember his or her names.
It can become quite embarrasing, as to adress a person by their name is important.

But then again, there are some 80 year old ladies that address me by my name even if I haven't seen them in a long time.
Maybe they have better memory genes than us!

Hahaha, humor indeed serves as an escape to me. So does Mother nature!

Cheers and thanks!

I also have to ask my wife sometimes who someone is 😉
She really remembers names better, so I think you might be right with the genes 🙂

Cheers and !BEER and good night Zac 😴

Hahaha, at times our wives caqn save us from real embarrasment my friend.
I remember a real bad incident in a shopping center.
My wife went to get some stuff and I was waiting for her at a coffee shop inside the place.
After I had read a part of a magazine and had 2 coffees, I decided to go outside to have a smoke, so I called a waiter to pay.
The waiter came over and said that no, I didn't have to pay, as the guy sitting at another table already paid for my drinks. So, occasionly I can be a decent sort of guy, so I went to the man to thank him.

As I said "Thank you sir", the guy said "What, you don't know me"? And I didn't know him lol.
So, he continued to explain to me who he was with a pitying look on his face.
I could swallow a live fish hahaha.

Turns out that he was one of the students in the English class at Papillon hahaha.
They arrived as refugees from an African, war torn country, penniless and they could only speak French.
So we taught about 2000 of them English.

Such is life my friend!

Cheers and thanks!

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