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RE: Alphabet Hunt

in Feel Good4 years ago

You did it! The eyeglasses make me laugh with the googly eyes, but those are really cute glasses.
I tried to take a picture of the mama Robin that is sitting on a nest near my front door today but her head is directly behind the drain pipe and there was no way I could get a clear shot. She must have felt quite protected back there too because she didn't even fly when I got close. Good to know about the eggs oh, I always wondered why you see so many of them on the ground. I'm glad to know that it's intentional. Great E photos Now on to F! ❤️


Thank You..!!
I couldn't resist adding the googly eyes. I have many different pair of eyeglasses. They aren't prescription glasses. I buy the inexpensive reader's. I do need to make an eye appointment 👀🤓 !
It's amazing the birds will build their nest so close. Hiding behind the drain pipe 😊😅. Mama Robin had a plan when she built her nest.
🤗 on to the letter F 🤗..!!

There has been a nest there for the several years. It is protected from the rain and they usually aren't bothered by people on the sidewalk. This year must be particularly nice for them because there are very few people on my side walk these days!