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RE: View the Vista in the Valley | #AlphabetHunt for the letter V

in Feel Good4 years ago (edited)

hey!! not sure if I got any !BEER left, but anyway.
love this post much more then the previous one. you managed to present me a new word: Vista! never heard of it (except of a shitty windows OC I never used, luckily managed to escape it, and still married with version seven ).
Valley / Voluta are damn brilliant highlights of your post, like both captures very very much. Vanish also is awesome. needless to say I do not possess a single one image that rank to your valley. unfortunately... but I have more mushrooms instead! :=)



You have the mushrooms and I have the Valleys with big Vista - all can be beautiful 😊

I have had Windows Vista for a few weeks only but then changed to Seven. Now I'm happy with Windows X 😀
Thanks a lot for your kind compliments, my friend, to receive such nice words from you makes literally the sun shine through my office window 🔆

Cheers and !BEER

good day to you, too! this time you dont mention my razor-sharp tongue, haha :P
rain, rain, rain here. I wish it was !BEER, but no...

… because your tongue was so smooth and kind this time 🤣
It has been raining here yesterday and this morning, but about at the same moment when I read your kind comment the sun came out, honestly 😃

That would be too much beer, wouldn't it? 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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